
Sales Bohle in Italy

We offer the full range of products of Bohle products. Products have modern technology rank as succesfully in many endustry deparments. Bohle products are preference of the world due to high quality and low price. Refer us for having a professional service with our expert stuff.

Brand products Bohle

BO 12A153


BO 032.1

Glaserwinkel Bohle without bracing

BO 052.355

Bohle cutting ruler with integrated suction cups

BO 602.0BL

Veribor blue line Saugheber-Set


HM cutting wheel

BO 5141100

Glass Scraper

BO 5209319

Application Needle Set with Adaptor

BO 638.0

Verifix® Pump-activated Angle Suction Holder


Angle Suction Holder Verifix® 90°

BO 638.9

Angle pump vacuum set

BO 4580.0

Speed cutter

BO 6164805

glass coating detector

Other Category Brands

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