
Sales Binder in Italy

You can contact us if you wish to receive tender about Binder brand. Products have modern technology rank as succesfully in many endustry deparments. We are not Italy distributor of Binder brand yet we are importing it. Binder products fabricate in modern foundations with high technology investments.

Brand products Binder




round plug connector


round plug female

77 10013A00-0012

spring-loaded multi-disc brake

99 5114 75 05

Mini Connector

R3 5014-0032

replacement board

76 13106H00-0009

spring-loaded single disc brake

09 0313 00 05

Mini Connector Plug

77 50019B15-0005

spring-loaded single disc brake module

77 50019B15600

conversion kit

86 61109H25

motor brake


Drying Oven

76 13113A02-0001

spring-loaded single disc brake

86 61109H05-0002

permanent magnet brake

09 0173 00 08

Mini Connector Plug

86 61111H39

permanent magnet brake

86 61114H07-0002

permanent magnet brake

76 13113A01-0001

Spring pressure single disc brake

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